With much regret, I have to inform you that Kay Jennings is stepping down from her role as Executive Assistant and leaving the ILFM tomorrow, Thursday 31st Aug.
Kay joined us in May 2016 and has, over her time with us, done a massive amount for the ILFM and has had a very positive impact within the office team.
Kay has been instrumental in getting many projects advanced and completed, was an outstanding help during the process of Incorporation and more recently our new CRM system installation.
In many other ways, big and small, Kay has made the behind the scenes working of the ILFM much better.
Kay was offered a position that was too good to turn down, and has made a good decision for her and her family in restoring some work life balance.
Kay will be greatly missed in the office, I personally would like to thank her for the brilliant contribution, support and help over the past 15 months for myself and the ILFM.
We have already appointed Christina Bowler to the role of EA, she has had a weeks hand-over from Kay.
We wish Kay all the best for the future,
Tim Kidd
Chief Executive