Study Resources

Study Tips

Plan your study time

Get your diary out and decide when, where and how often you want to study. Studying at home and in your own time is hard but can be achieved. Depending on previous experience it could take 2-10 hours per tutorial.  Whilst you have 18 months to complete the course, we suggest a minimum of a tutorial per month.

Set a target date for the exam

With the home study required for the correspondence courses it is important you set a target date to take the exam. If you don't set yourself targets then there is a danger that your study will be spread over too long a period. By setting targets it is easier to stick to an organised study routine. However, it is also just as important not to enrol for the exam too early and make sure you have completed all the tutorial questions and revision. Guidance will always be offered from your tutor.


  • Find out what you need to know
  • Write a revision checklist
  • Make a revision plan
  • Rereading your study notes
  • Look after yourself
  • make sure you book onto the exam preparation day

Student article -

D1 Bookkeeping assignment Excel workbooks are available here