Enrol on your Professional Qualification Course


To register on-line complete the application form and click on submit.

Your Details

 Please select your title
Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please enter your preferred email 
Please confirm your preferred email 
  Please enter your Home Telephone Number
Please enter your Mobile Number
Please enter your Work Telephone Number
Please enter your home address
Please enter the city
Please enter the county
Please enter your post code
  Please enter your Date of Birth

Your Work Details

Please enter your job title or position

Please select which best describes your role    Role level is required

Please enter the name of the company
Please enter your company address
Please enter the city
Please enter the county
Please enter your post code
Please enter your work email 
Please confirm your work email 
Please select Yes or No


Would you like to opt out of a printed copy of Legal Abacus and receive it digitally (via page-turn and downloadable PDF) ?


Please enter how you heard about the ILFM

Other Details

  Please enter your supervisor or employers email address (in doing so you are agreeing to your employer receiving updates on your progress)
Please confirm your supervisor or employers email address
Please enter where you heard about ILFM Qualifications
Please enter the main reason you are taking an ILFM Qualification (membership is required to study with the ILFM)


membership is a requirement for study

Please select a membership type
Please select a course type
Please enter the verification code
For office use only  

We’ll only use this information to handle your enquiry and we won’t share it with any third parties. For more details see our Privacy Policy

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