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Why is Pride Month important?

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The month of June is a very important one for the LGBTQIA+ community, it is a month dedicated to the celebration of both societal progress and of LGBTQIA+ culture. It also marks the anniversary of the Stonewall riots, which were a series of gay liberation protests in 1969. Pride is celebrated throughout the year in various towns and cities, with my hometown having its first ever Pride parade last year.

Nowadays, Pride is celebrated in a variety of ways, including marches, festivals and parties. It is very important that the true meaning of Pride isn’t lost. It is a time of celebration, but also of remembrance. Historically, many LGBTQIA+ people experienced discrimination, harassment and even imprisonment, in some parts of the world, they still experience this. If there is still discrimination in the world, there is still a place for Pride. Alarmingly, there are 64 countries in the world that criminalise homosexuality, and only 67 countries where same sex marriage or other legal partnerships are recognised.

It is so important for organisations to recognise, that when they use Pride branding on their products or marketing materials, that they must be an organisation that celebrates and promotes equality, diversity and inclusion. They should ensure that they truly embrace diversity, and seek to create an environment that is welcoming and accepting for both colleagues and clients.

To me personally, Pride Month is a time to see friends, to have fun, but also to reflect. Reflect on how lucky I am, to be part of a firm that is inclusive, to be able to marry my partner Elliot, but most importantly, to just be me. For the past two years, Crowe U.K. LLP have walked in Manchester Pride, an experience which I can only describe as incredible. Knowing that allies of the LGBTQIA+ community have given their time to support their colleagues is both humbling and heartwarming. This year we are walking in Birmingham Pride, and I can’t wait to welcome colleagues to my home city to celebrate Pride.

More than 1.3 million people in the UK identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual (per the 2021 census). The chances are you will work directly, or indirectly with somebody who identifies as LGBQTIA+. Please remember to always be inclusive, compassionate but most of all kind to everybody.

Mark Adderley
ILFM Council Member

Senior Manager, Crowe U.K. LLP,

