Frequently Asked Questions
What fees do I need to pay to register as a member and how do I pay?
Membership is £139 + VAT. You can pay by card or electronically (contact 020 8302 2867 for more details) or by cheque made out to ‘The Institute of Legal Finance and Management’
My employer will be paying my registration fees, so how do I register?
Register online the same way. Your employer can pay by card, electronically or cheque. We will issue a paid invoice by return for your records.
Can I join the ILFM without having to study the ILFM Diploma/Associate qualifications?
Yes, it is not mandatory to study with the ILFM to become a member.
What do I get for my membership subscription fee?
There are many benefits to being a member of the ILFM, both in help and support and specially arranged discounts and savings for you and your firm. Have a look at our Membership Benefits Page.
I’ve retired is there a special rate for me to pay?
Yes, we welcome members who have retired to remain members. We offer a special 50% concession rate. This still includes all the same benefits.
I’ve been made redundant how can I keep my membership?
Contact our office by email on or 0208 302 2867 and speak to a member of our team.
Can I spread the cost of my subscription in instalments?
Membership subscription has to be paid in full, and is valid for 1 year.
How does the membership renewal process work?
ILFM membership is on an annual renewal. You may join the ILFM at any point in the calendar year. You will receive an email to advise you that your membership is due for renewal 1 month before your renewal date.
My membership has lapsed can I re-join?
Yes, please contact the office on 020 8302 2867 or email and we will reopen your previous membership. You will need to pay the membership fee.
How long will it take me to complete the correspondence courses?
Access to the online tutorials will be available for 18 months after your start date. An extension may be granted for an additional fee depending on circumstances, please contact our office by email to or 0208 302 2867 and speak to a member of our team. Most students are able to complete the course within 12 months. To complete the course you must sit and pass a 3 hour handwritten exam.
When and where are the Diploma & Associate exams held?
ILFM Exams are held twice a year (Spring and Autumn) and are taken online at home or work with live remote invigilation. For more details please contact our office by email on or 0208 302 2867 and speak to a member of our team.
I can’t access my online account, as it is not recognising my password, what do I do?
Please contact our office by email on or 0208 302 2867 and speak to a member of our team.
I need to update my details. How do I change them?
Please contact or phone 0208 302 2867 and speak to a member of our team.
Do I need to be a member to access the ILFM LinkedIn group?
You do not need to be a member.
I think I’m exempt from the Bookkeeping part of the Diploma, what do I do next?
Please contact the ILFM office for confirmation or send/email copies of your certificates to the office for verification to
Can I start the qualification at the Associate level?
To achieve the full AILFM qualification the Diploma level also needs to be completed and the examination/s passed. If you start with the Associate level first you would not be awarded AILFM without also having the Diploma levels. However, any of the Associate papers can be studied as a standalone option if preferred (a certificate of completion will be awarded on passing the exam). We would advise starting with the Diploma level if the full ILFM qualification is the ultimate aim.
How do I place a classified ad?
Ads can be booked here or contact for further details and prices. You will also need to agree to the disclaimer. If you do not wish the company name to be displayed this should be clearly stated.
I have a query I need some help with?
Please visit our Member Support Page. There are a range of options on how we can help you with your query.
Where can I find more information about ILFM Qualifications?
The information is available on our website under Professional Qualifications
What exemptions do I receive after gaining ILFM Qualifications?
Please visit our Exemptions page for full details.
What existing qualifications can give me an exemption to Diploma Bookkeeping and how do I apply?
Please visit our Exemptions page for full details.